Almost needs a Psychological tag on this one. Artwork is nice except the son looks more like a girl than the girl or the mother. I kept wondering if this was like a futanari or dickgirl...
I wonder if he survived... This left me hanging... literally. I have more questions than when it started. I didn't even get a rise. But, still a better read than some. :(
Can only give one star. The artwork is what killed it. They need to learn to not put in so much crap. Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) is the key to success. When you flood the page, it kills everything because the picture is gone, and all that's left is nothing that makes sense. Flamboyance kills the mood.
Can't even offer one star due to the artwork. Everything crunched together so nothing makes sense, and it looks like fingers coming out of pussies instead of pussy lips. Didn't even finish read.