Why haven't I found this sooner.... this.. this is amazing..
and what's the name of your friend again? As you can see by my name, I'm totally not a sus person.
ok that's pretty original..
aw.. Gudao gets cucked... The art is good but I prefer Astolfo with a decent sized dicked. Small pp Astolfo is unappealing to me. 3/5
>>146926 @ Anonymous
nope, he just wrapped both his hand on her head
This a very confusing story..

So only he can see them? I just read the second part but it still confuses me. The art is amazing so a 4/5 from me cus' I have a small pp brain..
next time on Dragon Ball Z! Will Seiji accept Miss Maria as her mother? Will Miss Maria stop being a psycho? Will the father come back to see this blasphemy? Find out on the next, Dragon Ball Z..
Cat girl irl, great art, great story, great characters and great humor hahaha. A 5/5 from me.
ok the last page got me curious
At first I was like nah... the eyes look like Sid from Ice Age but BAM! the art inside was Godly.. funny and lewd, both Kings was fucking sexy and for once Gudao didn't have a horse cock hahaha. A 5/5 from me.
Eyy that was fucking amazing! Cute art style, adorable and sexy scenes, good story flow. Man that was *chef's kiss* a 5/5.
Bulma, where's my super suit?

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