Top-tier porn right here. The story is very interesting. Hope to see more from the artist. A 5/5 from me! The ending tho! When will the sequel be made!!
I fucking love lewd blowjobs. Pretty nice art style. Just make her a preteen, would make more sence with that body. Meh it's hentai so it can be whatever it wants. A 3.5/5 from me.
I love mutual fucking and I get their pp size are matching their actual ship sizes. But man Lebe is just to small even for his size. Censorship makes the sex confusing because I don't even know who was a futa or who was a guy and who was a girl. Lack of shading is the problem. Makes it look like line art. Did give me a boner tho but not a fapping hentai. A 1/5 from me.
Pure art hahaha. This is truly an amazing piece. All of them have a mutual relationship where they all can be bottom and top at the same time. You don't see that very often. Amazing art style and a very good pacing story. I'm proud to say that now I'm a fan of this author. So it's a 5/5 from me.
Amazing art, weird ear fetish but nice flow. Pretty fast on the sex. I have to read the first part to understand the story. But by it's own, you can pickup their relationship pretty easily. 5/5 from me.
By the Gods.. this.. this is the one. The perfect 5/5 one. The one that sits above all tiers of hentais.. but we were too late.. this masterpiece was made in 2018.. forgive us Hentai Gods..
I remember this! It was my first bestiality hentai. Very old piece. Art is great, story is interesting as any good bestiality hentai can get. A 4/5 from me.
I don't know what Promare is about but the characters in this hentai is very well written. Good lines, wholesome story, medium sex pacing and very good art. A 5/5 from me. Very good hentai, would recommend to a newbie.
Lewdness, check!
Great art, check!
Lots of pages, check!
Funny, check!
Weird, check!
Hahaha it's a 5/5 from me!