6 comments (0 hidden)

hell yeah! it's here! can't wait for parts 2 and 3
nice art . guy uses necklace power to fuck
>>1257038 @ Anonymous218129
not quite, the necklace basicly makes the bullies go into heat and so they end up reverse raping him. He isn't the one initiating the sex
bullied kids never win. ignoring bullies makes the bullies escalate. fighting back results in the victim being punished while the bully gets off scot-free. complaining to the teachers is useless they only strive to maintain the status que. it's really no wonder why the U.S has so many school shootings nor it is a wonder why Japan has the highest suicide rate on earth.
>>1257166 @ NocturnalKaiju
you talk like some of the ones that stand asides and do nothing... and later complains as you are doing now...
but i will correct you a huge mistake... blowing the teeths out of the bully's mouth always stops the bully. "the victim" as you call em, are no invisible people, an if any people support the act, mainly other bullied, the guy is not scot free...

another donkey thing you said wrong, japan is not the highest rate... you can think in countries like denmark... and some of the norhtern countries...
>>1256979 @ Anonymous203006
There's a part 4 now as well.

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