5 comments (0 hidden)

yes! more loli's with love! Dang, sigmarc's been on a role with these lately
>>1075557 @ Anonymous
He's been gone for months, it just takes a while to catch up to the pending stuff he left behind before he got banned.
>>1075606 @ Glovelove
May I ask why he got banned?
>>1076556 @ Anonymous
He has childish temper tantrums so often we lost count whenever anyone would ask him to please just even attempt to follow the rules and continue to upload dupes, unfinished galleries, harass anyone who left negative comments on his galleries, misuse tags, apply tags that didn't or barely appear in the gallery (apply anal for a single page of it in a 200 page tankoubon, Breast Sucking+Kissing+Licking if he saw a nipple kissed once, ect.). At the end he just started stripping all information from everything he had on pending which would have taken months to fix so we banned him and rolled back the database to a backup 1-2 days earlier (which had some butterfly effect issues that are still being resolved now 4 months later). We're still dealing with having to fix tagging on plenty of his stuff left on pending (in some cases its really just easier to delete it and reupload from scratch) and we still suffer a lack of experienced uploaders because most potential uploaders just lost motivation seeing Sigmarc racing to call dibs on all the new content first and make either absolutely no effort or degrade the quality when he did attempt to tag.
In the end he was a hero to most readers who'd only see that he just uploaded almost everything, including a lot of good stuff, except those few that would see how much of a toxic piece of shit he'd be in comment sections before I'd delete his insults.

To uploaders he was a very annoying rival because the rules against dupes was mostly "first come first serve" if the source file is the same quality. Only close to his ban would we start giving tagging quality priority over whoever uploaded first if Sigmarc was involved to combat that frustration and improve tagging quality.

To moderators he was a problem child, constantly misbehaving and refusing to learn, now matter how often you'd explain things to him, using a valid source site instead of Nhentai resize is the only thing where he wouldn't just end up relapsing anywhere between 2 minutes and 2 months later, being a toxic piece of shit in comment sections just ment more work moderating those and the way he'd react when any problem was pointed out to him was so childish it was highly questionable for him to be that active on an 18+ site anyway.

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