Macrophage / マクロファージ [Character]


Macrophage (マクロファージ Makurofāji?) is a minor character in Cells at Work!

She is a white blood cell, specifically a Macrophage or a Monocyte (単球 Tankyū?). Outside the blood stream, she plays the role of a macrophage. She kills foreign substances, such as bacteria, and relays information from them. She also works as a cleaner; therefore, she clears the dead bacteria as well as dead or dying cells. Inside the blood stream, she will switch into a monocyte. She is able to transmigrate and also kill threats vigorously. In the bone marrow, erythroblasts will gather around Macrophages; they perform the differentiation for the young erythroblasts similar to how teachers educate children.
Synonyms: Monocyte (Inside blood vessels)

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