Qatre we do not allow any sources from nhentai.

Original file size is 15mb
You really have no idea what Yuri and bisexual means.
Damn, you're editing it because of the cover..
Puru on
Reupload it and mention me.
Puru on ClickBait
i wish that were me.
Oh, that is why the character looks similar.
@Pharuan Undearth where's the other chapters?
>>48465 @ Andreas
It doesn't matter, it doesn't have a collection anyway.
Puru on
This is actually one of my fav of all time. :)
Puru on
I mean, why not?
Shirou does this tag also know as sole futa?
>>48223 @ Pharuan Undearth
It can't be ignored.
Puru on
Edited for you.

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