

Random Reader on
Wow...what an adventure this guy had...sweet dreams.

This is a super boner-killer from start to finish, god damn it.
It wasn't Neil, but instead Neko. Sorry, auto correct
One of my all time favorites. The couple are so cute and I normally don't like how a guy changed his gender to a girl but this one is just awesome
The ending was pretty cute
YoLo So Live it to the Fullest on Suiei
they would have probably ended up together if the guy was such a perv ya know.
As of time of writing only #2 and 3 are on the site. God. I want to see if there's more to this. Since it's the yandere type, it'll prob end badly. (・A・)
Cute. It started off really typical (and kinda boring) but I love the second chapter. Vanilla Seal of Approval
I second that Somerandomdude. Anyways, this is kinda weird. With such a carefree past and no sense of any trauma, the personalities seem kinda skewed and forced. Especially the brother. There's no apparent reason he became the way he is except for extreme (and i mean really extreme) laziness. Now I want closure. Does she manage to kill him? Or does he survive and straighten out? Or does it just keep going downhill?
All Bitches be bitching all the time with bitch bitch bitch.
Wot a trip... I couldn't tell what was real or fake at the end and its driving me crazy now.
(Spoiler analysis time): So one of two things could've of happened at the end. Either the silver hair osananajimi was in truth real, or she was a game character devised by the mc to build up the courage to confess to the black hair osananajimi. If silver was true, than he simply got over a game scene in the end, but then it would be a strange place to finish it. If the black was true, then its safe to conclude that silver hair was an illusion by the mc. The only thing that worries me is the man the black hair osananajimi was with when the mc lost his hope. Hm.
D-ah~ Vanilla Seal of Approval❀
Not every often that you get to see the siblings elope after a doujin. Cute couple though.
Anonysis on Island
Oh shoot. Stranded on an island with crazy. So unnerving ;.;
I remember this from Fakku a long time ago. Still as good as i remember it

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